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Managing your team on the YuLife Portal 🇬🇧🇺🇸

How to add, delete & bulk upload to the Portal.

Nina avatar
Written by Nina
Updated over a week ago

If you are an Admin at a South African company and would like to make changes to your team, please contact

How do I add a new employee to the HR Portal?

  1. Open the HR Portal and click People in the left-hand menu. Here, you’ll see your list of employees. Click on 'Add' in the top-right hand corner of the screen. There are two options in the drop-down box, click on 'add new member' to create an account for one employee.

  2. From here, you'll need to fill out all of your employee's details in the Personal, Employment, Workplace, Tags and Products sections (scroll down or click through the options to find these sections). If you wish to invite the employee to use the YuLife app straight away, be sure to tick the 'invite member to the app' option at the bottom of the screen before saving. Then tap 'add member'.

  3. That's it! You've created your employee's account with YuLife.

How do I remove someone who is leaving the business?

If someone is leaving the business, head to the People section on the left-hand menu.

Using the search bar, type in your leaver’s name and tick the box that appears to the left when you hover over their name. If you have multiple leavers, you can tick multiple boxes.

Once an employee is selected, a deactivate button will appear near the top of the screen. Tap on deactivate, you will then be asked to enter the person’s leaving date.

Please be aware that on this leaving date, they will receive an email from YuLife letting them know that their access to your company's benefits and insurance policy will be turned off soon. We'd suggest giving your employee a heads-up before deactivating to avoid any confusion.

How do I edit a member's details?

If you want to update any of the details on record for a person, like their name or salary, head to the People section in the left-hand menu.

  1. Tap on the member's name, this will open up an overview of their information. Scroll to find the section that you would like to update, then tap 'edit' on the right-hand side.

  2. From here, you'll be able to edit the necessary details. Be sure to tap 'Save' at the end!

Bulk Upload

What is Bulk Upload?

Bulk upload is a feature that allows you to add or remove multiple members at once. You can find it in the navigation menu in the people section. Here, you will see three options for adding, removing and editing.

How do I use the Bulk Upload option?

Tap the option for what it is you’re looking to do (add, edit or deactivate). You'll need to save your data in a copy of our upload template - you can find this template highlighted in blue when select your bulk option. Inside the spreadsheet, there are further instructions to explain how to use it.

Make sure you tap Submit after you've uploaded the data!

Once this has been saved, you'll be redirected to upload the members who have been entered into the template that you have submitted. If all is correct, tap 'upload members' in the bottom right corner.

That's it, you've completed your bulk upload!

Employee Details: Beneficiary Info 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇿🇦

As an admin, you are now able to view your employee's beneficiary information if required in the case of a claim. Details that you are able to see include:

  • Beneficiary’s full name

  • Beneficiary’s contact number

  • Name of the product related to

  • The relationship to the employee

  • Percentage assigned

Do I need permission to view this information?

Yes, only admins with the 'view beneficiaries' permission will have access to this information. If you don't have this permission, or you can't see the information, please reach out to the Owner of your Portal.

How do I find the information?

  1. Head to the People page via the left-hand menu, and select your employee.

  2. From the top menu, select 'Beneficiaries'. From here, you'll be taken to the beneficiaries section where you'll be able to see if it's been filled out and the specific information.

If you have any questions or run into any issues, please reach out to us using the web chat, or at :-)

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